ATA Reflexology Foundation Certification Course


This practice is an extremely effective form of massage, relating to the ‘reflex points’ on the sole of the foot. These points correspond to the organs and systems in the body, and are linked to those organs through ‘energy channels’, ‘zones’ or ‘meridians’. When illness or imbalance occurs, the corresponding ‘energy channels’ become blocked. Reflexology Massage aims to remove these blocks, thus allowing the energy to flow freely again.

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Course Duration: 1 day

Why study this course?

This practice is an extremely effective form of massage, relating to the ‘reflex points’ on the sole of the foot. These points correspond to the organs and systems in the body, and are linked to those organs through ‘energy channels’, ‘zones’ or ‘meridians’. When illness or imbalance occurs, the corresponding ‘energy channels’ become blocked. Reflexology Massage aims to remove these blocks, thus allowing the energy to flow freely again.

Reflexology treatment can be combined beautifully into your current pedicure or massage protocol.

Course Outline:
Origins and History of Reflexology
Reflexology benefits
Reduces stress, improves circulation, balances the systems of the body, preventative health care
Human Anatomy and Physiology (systems of the body)
Meridian Points – Energy Channels
Mapping and reading the reflex points on the Feet
Relaxing Foot massage techniques


What’s included:
Courseware and Reflexology chart
Classroom needs
A Qualified Trainer

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